Useful Websites & Numbers
Are you a carer??
A carer is a person of any age (including children) who provides unpaid support to a partner, relative, friend or neighbour who couldn't get by without their help. This could be due to age, fraility, disability, a serious health condition, mental ill health or substance abuse. Parents of children who are disabled or who have a serious health condition are also considered to be carers.
Click here for information and advice from NHS Inform
Stirling Carer Centre support unpaid carers by offering information, advice and support throughout the Stirling area. You can register with them online here or by telephone 01786 447003
Please let the surgery know if you are an upaid carer so we can help to support your caring roll

Useful Numbers
Forth Valley Royal Hospital, Larbert – 01324 566000
Stirling Community Hospital – 01786 434000
Falkirk Community Hospital – 01324 624000
Patient Appointments - 01324 566249
Minor Injuries - 01786 434036
Vaccination Helpline - 0800 030 8013
Forth Valley Health Board - 01786 463031
Social Work – 01786 404040
NHS 24 – 111
Emergency Services - 999

Central Sexual Health
- Contraception including emergency contraception and condoms
- Longer lasting contraception e.g. implants and coils
- Pregnancy testing, advice and referral for termination of pregnancy
- Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections , including HIV
- Safer sex advice, general advice and support for any sexually related problems or concerns
- 01324 673554 - Monday-Friday 8.30am – 1.00pm to arrange appointment
- Helpline 01324 673563 – Monday-Friday 2pm-4pm
Termination of Pregnancy
- You can self refer to the clinic on 01324 673555
Useful Websites for Self Advice
- NHS Choices
- When should I worry? for unwell children)